
Yoga and meditation...

Yoga is not just physical exercise, but a way to achieve perfect harmony of body, mind and soul. It is the timeless wisdom for a healthier, happier and more peaceful life that ultimately leads to self-realisation, the merging with the Self. Yoga brings the mind into the present moment, creating clarity and awareness. The mind becomes peaceful and better able to deal with everyday stress.



A well-planned vegan diet is healthy. It can prevent diseases of affluence and, if done correctly, contains all essential nutrients in sufficient quantities. On we only use organic, sustainable and healthy food, most of which we grow ourselves. Permaculture also plays an important role in this. 



With individual approaches, we want to give people who are no longer able to cope with the great challenges of our time a time-out and at the same time show them different methods, some of them spiritual, to regain balance and joy in life.   
